
A strong committement of the Peuvian government to protect forest and indigenous people´s rigths.

Publicado: 2015-06-05

As host of the past Conference of Parties (COP20), Peru did a great job. While the entitled organism in our country, the Ministry of Environment, and face to the external world, we were leading the process and pushing forward to get favorable results for the new agreement to be adopted this year in COP 21 in Paris; internally, the Peruvian government and other ministries (energy and economy) were also pushing for relaxing environmental regulations as means to reactivate the economy. These measures particularly aimed to relaxe regulations to promote mining activities and oil explorations, pilar activities of our extractive ecomic model.

So we observe contradictory positions and incoherence in the speech and the policies the government is implementing, between what is telling and and what it is actually doing.

Although in the last years, the ministry of Environment, related public institutions and the enviromental sector in general have been very active, everything that has been achieved is threaten made because of theses new policies.

The ministry of environement through the National Program for the Conservation of Forests (PNCB) has been the recipient of external contributions from developed countries to help to develop a national strategy and to implement of a REDD+ mechanisms currently under negotiations in the UNFCC. With these, more initiatives to protect forests could be developped.

In Peru, forest and indigenous communities have been long partners. But their property rigths have been recognized yet. And there are exisitng conflicts in land tenure. The Peruvian governement has not yet recognized their rigths and as owner of the natural resources it can decide how can they be used and what kind of activities can be a developed.

But mining and oil explorations activities encounter a somewhat strong opposition from some associations and communities, as they are primarily developped in rural areas and in the amazon, which is also home of indigenous people. In the last years we have seen numerous social conflicts originated for the long record of pollution and disregard for rigth the livelihood of indegenous and rural people.

We advocate for a strong committement of the peruvian government to protect forests and the rigths of indigenous communities, their logtime guardians, in terms of implementing measures and respecting existing regulations and promoting activies in coherence with real necessity of the country not only focusing on the economic goals.

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Peruvian goverment, forest and indigenous communities

On the role of the governement to protect forests and indigenous people´s rigths